Cherry tart with graham cracker crust and crunchy hazelnut - almond !!!PACKAGING: 60ml plastic bottle contains 12 ml of perfume dissolved in PG.
All you have to do is fill in according to your choice up to the top of the label, shake well and…. ready.
Maturation: 1 day (manufacturer's sug..
Banana candy, banana muffin, banana cream, banana and something... whatever you say, it's perfec t!!!PACKAGING: 60ml plastic bottle contains 12 ml of perfume dissolved in PG.
All you have to do is fill in according to your choice up to the top of the label, shake well and…. ready.
Smoothie with watermelon, peach, nectarine and soft flavors of grated mango.PACKAGING: 60ml plastic bottle contains 12 ml of perfume dissolved in PG.
All you have to do is fill in according to your choice up to the top of the label, shake well and…. ready.
Maturation: 1 day (manufacturer'..
Rich cocktail flavor with green and red apples, whiskey, cinnamon and smooth mint creamPACKAGING: 60ml plastic bottle contains 12 ml of perfume dissolved in PG.
All you have to do is fill in according to your choice up to the top of the label, shake well and…. ready.
Maturation: 1 day (ma..
Latin American tobacco with Colombian coffee and Jamaican rum, a unique vaping blend as if it came out of the pirates of the Caribbean!The bottle has a capacity of 60 ml and contains 12 ml of matured perfume...
Northern Europeans may have the "Fruit of the Forest", but we have the "Fruit of Olympus"!A traditional recipe from the villages at the foot of the "mountain of the Gods", with red apples, bare rooted aronia and grapes from short-stemmed vines ... a mythical nectar!..
Liqua Bright Tobacco 12ml / 60ml Bottle flavor contains 12ml concentrated perfume in a 60ml bottle.The excellent clean taste of Virginia tobacco, with woody spices and a delicate aroma...
Liqua Bright Tobacco 12ml / 60ml Bottle flavor contains 12ml concentrated perfume in a 60ml bottle.The excellent clean taste of Virginia tobacco, with woody spices and a delicate aroma...
Liqua Bright Tobacco 12ml / 60ml Bottle flavor contains 12ml concentrated perfume in a 60ml bottle.The excellent clean taste of Virginia tobacco, with woody spices and a delicate aroma...